Say “YES” to Freedom

Let Us Take Care of Your Social Media

Owning a business is already stressful enough as it is. Yes, it may be a passion but there is a lot of hard work being put into it and we want to help you do what you do best and let us handle the marketing.

If you say yes to any of the points down below, we encourage you to keep reading!

  • You have a million things to do and not enough time?

  • Social media presence is not growing and it gets overwhelming overtime

  • Want to save expenses instead of hiring an EXPENSIVE full-time social media assistant

Like a wise man once said, “when there's a problem, there's a solution!”

And the solution to your problem is outsourcing! 

Outsourcing is a perfect way to get some of the load off your shoulders.

But Why Outsource?

  • Reduce Stress
    You can make waking up in the morning a breeze, knowing that your business is being taken care of.

  • Focus on your expertise
    You will be able to go back to focusing on what only you can do best. This is probably the main reason why you even started a business in the first place!

  • Create more time on your schedule
    You could finally go back to sipping cocktails under the sun or start creating more memories with your friends and family.

  • Make more money!
    Exposing your business on social media is a great way to create more sales because it gives you a higher audience. Whether it is around your local area or across the world! It all depends on how far you want to take it.

    And most importantly, you may ask “WHERE DO I START??” 

Here at ICHIYUZU MEDIA, we help business owners like yourself with social media management, photography, content creation, influencer relations, web design, and much more so you can scale their online presence with ease, and ultimately maximize your exposure and create more traffic to your business. 

Shoot us an email at (or just say hi!) 
